Friday, February 17, 2012

O! Saddled Jewel

16th autonomous wonder!
your Memphian hilt
writhes along an aqueous narrative
the bluffs, a saintly calm

your limits,
a cradle to the self destruction
of a once grand place
conservation of motion
declares your Germans and Cordovans
the ultra usurpers
and the mem'ry of a limestone facade
crumbles with the alleyway liturgical
rites and the city exhales
and with every dying breath,
something new is brought,
and something spent is expelled
a delta distillation

next, we have the outliers:
a cottony kingdom
now in the hands of a few Jah Deerie.
Grandly, the earth crinkles
in a greaseless Ore-Ida fashion
and dips down as if it's being pinched by
the Devil himself down there in
the retirement swelter for all
humanoid ultimate deviants
who surround (with mirrors) those who
happen to find their slow road

this lip pucks out
and pouts a little as if to say
boo hoo and hey what about me
and inside the pursed pinch
a trillion fauna dart in and out of dark woods
and driveway motion sensor floodlight
and the urban renewal really renewed
the faith of a dozen developers who were
trying a big boy way of life
copied from the back of double-breasted
limosines in Manhattan.
"I want to be like that."
But really the need for purification
and a real forgetting of the geo-social
and the swing low sweet chariotness
come forth to carry me quo
and set the Stage for a novelty
Central Business District,
a snarled ewy,
an abandoned baby
whah whah! lemme at em!
enough about Nashville

East, let's see: you damn near seceded
from us when we tickled the "great aggressor"
with a palm frond and a great Ankh'd machine.
Lay them down.
You can't walk over all those hills in one day.

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